How is your product or service going to get the customer?
  1. Marketing material
    • business card and pamphlet
  2. Electronic devices and internet
    • alternative to get through peoples as the electronic devices and internet is widely used in the present day.
  3. Come directly to our main office or branches.

What are the delivery terms? How will the distribution methods affect production time frames and delivery? (How long will it takes to get your product or service to your customer?)

The duration - depending on the approach method used by the customers :

    • direct come to our office - the time taken for our services to get to them can be lesser.
    • we come to their place - may take several time to prepare our team to bring the services right to their places.

Does the packaging meet all regulatory requirements (such as labeling)?

Our services - legally established and every customer who had been graduated in their training will be given the certificate which had been patterned and approved by the responsible person. The certificate is design based on the standard given by the ministry of education and qualified for MSC Malaysia status.

Is the packaging appropriately coded, priced, and complementary to the product?

The softwares we provide in our packages are softwares that are well-established and widely used in the present day. The price on each softwares provided is affordable price and it’s depending on the type of the software itself.

The customer’s registration will be recorded with appropriate coded like follow: